Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Creating Pages

Creating a new page can be done by selecting the space or a page and

  • clicking Content and New Page
  • clicking the new page button
  • pressing n

The page will appear in the Space Admin Browser tree.

(info) If a page with the automatically generated title "New page" already exists in the destination space the creation will fail. First rename the old page with name New page into something more meaningful.

Copying Pages

There are several ways to copy pages in Space Admin

Copying a single page

To copy a single page, select the page in your Space Admin Browser and 

  • click Edit and Copy
  • click copy button
  • press c
  • use the context menu

In the now opening window a destination space and an optionally parent page have to be selected. In addition some options for the copy can be dis-/ enabled.

Furthermore, a page prefix or suffix can be chosen. When choosing this option, the pages names will be appended this prefix/suffix.

This is helpful if there is already a page with the same name on the destination space/page, which is not allowed in Confluence.

The page title will have then this structure: prefix + actual name + suffix. 

(info) All child pages will also receive the prefix/ suffix.

Bild copy window

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By using regular expression, it is possible to search and replace page names.

The copied page will be listed in the Space Admin browser after the copy process is completed.

(warning) A new version can only be created in a different space. 

Copying multiple pages

Copying several pages with some of their sub-pages is possible by selecting the pages with Ctrl+click and 

  • clicking Edit and Copy
  • clicking the copy button
  • pressing c
  • using the context menu
Image RemovedNeues Copy Bild

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The opening window offers the same options as the window opening when copying only one page.

Copying a page with Ctrl

It is possible to copy a page with Ctrl via drag and drop by selecting the specific one and pulling it to the place it should be copied.

The copying is done with default parameters and a copy of all its child pages.

An icon will show if copying is possible.

(warning) A page cannot be copied into its own child pages if the page to be copied has child pages.

If there is already a page with the same name on the destination page, then the newly copied page will be renamed and appended a consecutive number.

Deleting Pages

Space Admin for Confluence offers the possibility to delete single or multiple pages including child pages.

To delete a single page select the page in the Space Admin Browser tree and

  • click Edit and Delete
  • click the delete button
  • press Del
  • use the context menu
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A window will open. The option Delete child pages is enabled by default. To not delete child pages the option has to be disabled. The child pages will be sorted underneath the top-level page.

(info) If there are no child pages this option will not be shown.

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In addition the pages can be deleted without storing them in the trash.

(warning) Deleted pages with this option cannot be restored. 

Deleting multiple pages works the same as deleting one page.

Renaiming Pages

Renaiming pages is possible by selecting the page that should be renamed and choosing 

  • clicking Edit and Rename
  • clicking rename button
  • pressing F2
  • using the context menu

The action will be completed by entering a new name and confirming by pressing enter or clicking somewhere else.

(info) It is not possible to assign an identical page name twice in one space.

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Sorting Pages





Setting a new Homepage

Publishing Pages

Editing Page labels

Page Restrictions

Page Permissions

CSS Stylesheet
#tocContainer {
margin-right: 15px; 
position: fixed;
right: 0;
top: 160px;
width: 23%;
z-index: 1;

styleline-height: 150%;
titleOn this page

Table of Contents


Sort pages

You can order your pages via

can be ordered via drag and drop or with the move function

. It is also possible to move a page

so that pages and its children can be moved into another space.


(info) Moving a page into a space with other pages with identical names is not possible. You have to rename the pages before they can be moved.

Image Modified

To use the move function choose an option: 

Pages can be moved by selecting them and 

  • clicking 
  • Edit and Move
  • clicking the move button
  • pressing m
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A new window will be opened. Here you can define

The opening window offers the possibility to decide in which position the selected page should be moved.


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Compare pages


AnchorCompareCompareIf you want to find the differences between pages, select two click 

Comparing Pages

This option easily reveales differences between pages. It can be used by selecting the pages via Ctrl+click and

then choose an option: 

  • clicking 
  • View and Compare
  • clicking compare button
  • press d
    • pressing d

    (info) The compare feature can be executed in two directions. It depends in which order the pages were selected.

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    The window will

    show you

    expose the differences.

     As you can see in the picture Space Admin compares three different things

    For this, different colors are used:

    • Green:
    • Someting was added
    • Red:
    • Something was deleted
    • Blue:
    • The format has changed
    InfoThe compare feature can be executed in two directions. It depends in which order the pages were selected.


    Image Modified

    Set a new homepage

    You can set a new homepage for your space by selecting any page in the space which isn't the current home page. It doesn't have to be the first page in the tree.

    A little house symbol shows the current homepage. If you want to change it, select another page and click on the Set Homepage button or choose the option in the Content menu. You can also press h to set the homepage. 

    The little house icon will move to the new homepage.

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    View a page

    Sometimes when you are organizing your pages it might happen that you want to view its content.

    Select the page you'd like to view and choose an option:

    • click View and Preview
    • click preview button
    • press v
    • use the context menu

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    A window will show you

    Viewing Pages

    Viewing Pages in Confluence can be done directly in the Space Admin Browser. The preview of a page is possible by slecting the one and

    • clicking View and Preview
    • clicking the preview button
    • pressing v
    • using the context menu

    Image Added

    A window will show a little preview of the page you've selected.


    (info) The links in the preview dialog are disabled.

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    Setting a new Homepage

    A little house symbol shows the current homepage. This can be changed within the Space Admin Browser by selecting a new page and

    • clicking the Set Homepage button
    • using the Context menu
    • pressing h

    Image Added

    Publishing Pages

    Page restrictions

    If a page has any restrictions you can make them visible if you use the highlight page restrictions button or the Show Page Restrictions option in the View menu. All pages in the current spaces which have a restriction will be highlighted in red.

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    AnchorpublishpublishPublish a page

    To publish a page choose the Publish option in the context menu of a page or use the


     publish button.

    If you create a version the following will happen:

    • the page which should be published will be copied into another space
    • the current page with the same name in this space will be overwritten
    • a new version will be created in the Confluence page history

    This is a good way to maintain documentation for example. You have a public space and a private space with identically pages. In the private space you change the content of the documentation and can work on it without affecting the public documentation. When you are finished with editing and so on you can publish the new documentation to the public space.


    Pages cannot be published in the same space!

    Editing Page labels

    Page Restrictions

    Page Permissions

    CSS Stylesheet
    #tocContainer {
    margin-right: 15px; 
    position: fixed;
    right: 0;
    top: 160px;
    width: 23%;
    z-index: 1;

    styleline-height: 150%;

    titleOn this page

    Table of Contents

    Page restrictions

    If a page has any restrictions you can make them visible if you use the highlight page restrictions button or the Show Page Restrictions option in the View menu. All pages in the current spaces which have a restriction will be highlighted in red.

    Image Added


    Publish a page



    Edit page labels

    The editor will show all existing labels from all selected pages, posts and attachments.

    You can add new labels to all selected entities or delete a label from the entity where it is set. 

    If you use the set option, all existing labels will be removed and the labels in the input field will be set.

    If you enter a label the editor will provide a list of labels from your system. If a label does not yet exist it will be created.


    You can only add, set or remove labels if you have the permission to edit the page.
