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Example: Writing a comment to blocked issues when blocking issues are resolved

Is there any way to write a comment, for instance, "All blockers have been resolved, you may proceed with this issue", to the issue, say ABC-1234, blocked by the current issue, which is now being resolved, if ABC-1234 won't have unresolved blocking issues right after the current issue is resolved?

Yes, you can implement that behavior adding 3 post-functions to "Resolve Issue" transition in your blocker issues workflow:

Post-function Copy a parsed text to a field with the following configuration:

Post-function Copy a parsed text to a field with the following configuration:

Text to be parsed in advanced mode is:

toString(filterByPredicate(linkedIssues("blocks"), count(filterByResolution(linkedIssues(^%{00015}, "is blocked by"), "")) = 1))

Note that:

  • ^%{00015} is field code for virtual field "Issue Key" in issues returned by function linkedIssues("blocks")

Post-function Write field on issues returned by JQL query with the following configuration:

Once configured, transition "Resolve Issue" looks like this:

Other examples of that functions

Copy parsed text to a field

Incoming Links
pageCopy parsed text to a field

Write field on issues returned by JQL query or issue listUpdate issue fields

Incoming Links
pageWrite field on issues returned by JQL query or issue list

Related Usage Examples

Content by Label
cqllabel = "example" and label = "issue-links"