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Example: Writing a comment to blocked issues when blocking issues are resolved

Is there any way to write a comment, for instance, "All blockers have been resolved, you may proceed with this issue", to the issue, say ABC-1234, blocked by the current issue, which is now being resolved, if ABC-1234 won't have unresolved blocking issues right after the current issue is resolved?

Yes, you can implement that behavior adding 3 post-functions to "Resolve Issue" transition in your blocker issues workflow:

Post-function Copy a parsed text to a field with the following configuration:

Post-function Copy a parsed text to a field with the following configuration:

Text to be parsed in advanced mode is:

toString(filterByPredicate(linkedIssues("blocks"), count(filterByResolution(linkedIssues(^%{00015}, "is blocked by"), "")) = 1))

Note that:

  • ^%{00015} is field code for virtual field "Issue Key" in issues returned by function linkedIssues("blocks")

Post-function Write field on issues returned by JQL query with the following configuration:

Once configured, transition "Resolve Issue" looks like this:

Other examples of that functions

Copy parsed text to a field

Incoming Links
pageCopy parsed text to a field

Update issue fields

Incoming Links
pageWrite field on issues returned by JQL query or issue listUpdate issue fields

Related Usage Examples

Content by Label
cqllabel = "example" and label = "issue-links"