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The Assign to Project Role post function assigns an issue to a user in a project role. In case there is more than one user with the project role, you can set a user as default for a project role in a project.

You can use this functionality with every post-function in the plugin that allows you to write on any field of type User or Multi-User.

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In this documentation and the post function configuration you will notice the symbol ( * ) next to some parameters, it means that this field is mandatory and shall not be left empty. Fields without the symbol are optional.

Basic configuration*

Below you will find a detailed description of each parameter of the basic configuration of the function.

Project role*

Define the required parameters needed to execute this post function.

UI Expand
titleSelect project role

Select the project role the user should retrieve from.

Choose between:

  • Administrators
  • Developers


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titleSelect assignee

Select the option to define the user who will be assigned to the issue.

Choose between:

  • Default user for project role
  • Default user for project role, except if current assignee is already in project role
  • Last user in project who has had the issue assigned
  • Last user in project role who has had the issue assigned, or lacking that to default user for project role
  • Previous user in project role who has had the issue assigned
  • Previous user in project role who has had the issue assigned, or lacking that to default user for project role
  • Random user among those in project role, except if current assignee is already in project role
  • Random user among those in project role different from current assignee
  • Least busy user om project role
  • Least busy user in project role, except if current assignee is already in project role
  • Next user in selected and project role according to round-robin algorithm
  • Next user in selected and project role according to round-robin algorithm, except if current assignee is already in project role

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titleConditional execution