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The Assign to Project Role post function assigns an issue to a user in a project role. In case there is more than one user with the project role, you can set a user as default for a project role in a project.

You can use this functionality with every post-function in the plugin that allows you to write on any field of type User or Multi-User.

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In this documentation and the post function configuration you will notice the symbol ( * ) next to some parameters, it means that this field is mandatory and shall not be left empty. Fields without the symbol are optional.

Basic configuration*

Below you will find a detailed description of each parameter of the basic configuration of the function.

Project role*

Define the required parameters needed to execute this post function.


Select the project role the user should retrieve from.

Choose between:

  • Administrators
  • Developers



Select the option to define the user who will be assigned to the issue.

Choose between:

  • Default user for project role
  • Default user for project role, except if current assignee is already in project role
  • Last user in project who has had the issue assigned
  • Last user in project role who has had the issue assigned, or lacking that to default user for project role
  • Previous user in project role who has had the issue assigned
  • Previous user in project role who has had the issue assigned, or lacking that to default user for project role
  • Random user among those in project role, except if current assignee is already in project role
  • Random user among those in project role different from current assignee
  • Least busy user om project role
  • Least busy user in project role, except if current assignee is already in project role
  • Next user in selected and project role according to round-robin algorithm
  • Next user in selected and project role according to round-robin algorithm, except if current assignee is already in project role

UI Expand
titleConditional execution

Enter a condition (Logical / boolean condition) using the JWT expression parser - full feature list syntax.

You can even logically link and gather conditions in expressions as you like in order to map more complex conditions.


The post function will only be executed if the condition is met (returns true).

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titleRun as

Choose which user* will be set as the comment's author. By default it is set to the Current user.

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DECADIS:Contact support
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