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UI Text Box

This post function assigns an issue to a user in a project role.

In the likely case that there is more than one user in the specified project role, you can specify a default user using either You can use this functionality with every post-function in the plugin that allows you to write on any field of type User or Multi-UserJWT project properties or JWT user properties.


UI Expand
titleProject role

Select the project role containing the users the new assignee should be retrieved from.

UI Text Box

If you select a project role that is not available in the current project, the issue will not reassigned.

UI Expand

Select the option to define the user who The assignee must be a member of the selected project role. Additionally you can define which exact role member the issue will be assigned to the issue. Choose between. You have the following options:

  • Default user for project role

Least busy user (fewest unresolved issues assigned)

This is the default. The issue will be assigned to the user with the lowest number of assigned issues. 

UI Text Box

If multiple users have the same number of issues assigned (e.g. none) the issue will be assigned to any of those users randomly.

Least busy user (skip if current assignee is already a project role member)

The issue will be assigned to the user with the lowest number of assigned issues unless the current assignee already is a member of the specified project role. In that case the issue will not be re-assigned.

Random user (skip

Default user for project role, except

if current assignee is already


a project role

  • Last user in project who has had the issue assigned
  • Last user in project role who has had the issue assigned, or lacking that to default user for project role
  • Previous user in project role who has had the issue assigned
  • Previous user in project role who has had the issue assigned, or lacking that to default user for project role
  • Random user among those in project role, except if current assignee is already in project role
  • Random user among those in project role different from current assignee
  • Least busy user om project role
  • Least busy user in project role, except if current assignee is already in project role
  • Next user in selected and project role according to round-robin algorithm
Next user in selected and project role according to round-robin algorithm, except if current assignee is already in project role


The issue will be randomly assigned to any member of the specified project role.

Random user (other than current assignee)

The issue will be randomly assigned to any member of the specified project role unless the current assignee already is a member of the specified project role. In that case the issue will not be re-assigned.

Previous assignee

The issue will be re-assigned to the member of the specified project role who has last been assigned the issue.  

UI Text Box

If the issue has never been assigned to a role member, the issue will not be re-assigned.

Previous assignee (or default user, if not present)

Variant where as a fallback the issue will be assigned to the default user

UI Text Box

Default users can be specified using JWT project properties or JWT user properties.

If the issue has never been assigned to a role member and no default role member has been specified the issue will not be re-assigned.

Previous assignee (skip if current assignee is already a project role member)Variant where the issue will not be re-assigned if the current assignee already is a member of the specified project role. In that case the issue will not be re-assigned.

Previous assignee (or default user, if not present / skip if current assignee is already a project role member)

Variant with the default user fallback, unless the current assignee already is a member of the specified project role. In that case the issue will not be re-assigned. 

Next user (in selected group) using round-robin

The issue will be randomly assigned to any member of the specified group using the round-robin algorithm.

Next user( in selected group) using round-robin (skip if current assignee is already a project role member)

The issue will be randomly assigned to any member of the specified group using the round-robin algorithm unless the current assignee already is a member of the specified project role. In that case the issue will not be re-assigned..

Default user

The issue will be assigned to the default user

UI Text Box

Default users can be specified using JWT project properties or JWT user properties.

Default user (skip if current assignee is already a project role member)

Variant where the issue will not be re-assigned if the current assignee already is a member of the specified project role. In that case the issue will not be re-assigned.

UI Text Box

What is a round-robin queue?

The selected group in combination with the selected project role, define a round-robin queue. Each time the post function is executed in any workflow with the same configuration (i.e., same group and project role), the issue will be assigned to the next user in the round-robin queue.
The round-robin queue consists of all the users who are members of the selected group and project role at the same time.

UI Text Box

When selecting one of the "Least busy user" options options, you have to additionally enter a JQL parser expression in JQL mode.

You can use this expression to further customize the way how the least busy user should be receivedlimit the number of potential assignees.

You could e.g. restrict the search to the current project by entering:

Code Block
project = %{issue.project.key}

or to a specific issue type:

Code Block
type in ("Bug", "Feature", "Improvement")

UI Expand
titleConditional execution

Include Page

UI Expand
titleRun as

Include Page
Choose which user* will be used to execute this post function. By default it is set to the Current user.

Use cases and examples

Page properties report
cqllabel = "use-case" and parent = currentContent()

Excerpt Include
DECADIS:Contact support
DECADIS:Contact support

Page properties

Tech review

titleReady for review

Style guide

titleReady for review

titleReady for review

Page properties

Short descriptionAssign the issue to a specific user in a project role.
