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UI Text Box

This validator depends on issue type, status, resolution, and number of sub-tasks.can block a transition based on the state and the number of an issue's sub-tasks.

The validator only makes sense when used in a workflow used by standard issue types.

You can specify multiple filter criteria that will be "and concatenated". Per default, all sub-tasks must match the combination of all criteria 


UI Expand
titleFilter by issue type

Only If you select specific issue typesall sub-tasks must be of any of the selected issue types. If subtasks with other issue types are found, the condition will fail.

The additional filters can be used to further restrict the state of the selected issue types are allowed. Leave empty to allow all issue types.

UI Text Box

If you leave this filter blank, e.g. if the issue type is irrelevant, you must check the additional option Allow unselected issue types. → Ignore issue type filter / issues in unselected issue types

If you select specific issue types and also check the additional option Allow unselected issue types, the additional criteria (status, resolution, field value) will only be applied to the selected issue types.

UI Expand
titleFilter by status

Only If you select specific statusesall sub-tasks with must be in any of the selected statuses are allowed. Leave empty to allow all statuses.

Example of possible statuses:

  • Open
  • To Do
  • In progress
  • Done
  • . If subtasks with other statuses are found, the condition will fail.

    The additional filters can be used to further restrict the state of the issues in the selected statuses.

    UI Text Box

    If you leave this filter blank, e.g. if the status is irrelevant, you must check the additional option Allow unselected statuses. → Ignore status filter / issues in unselected statuses

    If you select specific statuses and also check the additional option Allow unselected statuses, the additional criteria (issue type, resolution, field value) will only be applied to the issues in the selected statuses.


    UI Expand
    titleFilter by resolution

    Only If you select specific resolutionsall sub-tasks with must have any of the selected resolutions. If subtasks with other resolutions are allowed. Leave empty to allow all resolutions.

    Example of possible resolutions:

    • Unresolved (resolution is empty)
    • Done
    • Duplicate

    found, the condition will fail.

    The additional filters can be used to further restrict the state of the issues with the selected resolutions.

    UI Text Box

    If you leave this filter blank, e.g. if the resolution is irrelevant, you must check the additional option Allow unselected statuses. → Ignore resolution filter / issues with unselected resolutions

    If you select specific resolutions and also check the additional option Allow unselected resolutions, the additional criteria (issue type, resolution, field value) will only be applied to the issues with the selected resolutions.

    UI Expand
    titleFilter by field value

    Only Optionally limit the sub-tasks matching the field value condition provided will be allowed. Leave empty for no filteringto be counted by their field values. To achieve this you must enter an expression in Logical mode. The expression must return  true or false

    UI Text Box



    Code Block
    %{seed.issue.assignee} != null 

    All sub-tasks must be assigned to a user. If unassigned sub-tasks are found, the condition will fail.

    UI Text Box

    Values in sub-tasks have to be referenced by their seed field codes.

    Code Block
    %{issue.dueDate} <= %{seed.issue.dueDate}

    All sub-tasks must have a due date of equal to or later than the current issue's due date..

    UI Text Box

    Values in sub-tasks have to be referenced by their seed field codes.

    UI Text Box

    If you specify an expression and also check the additional option Allow unsatisfied condition on field values, the additional criteria (issue type, resolution, field value) will only be applied to the issues that match the expression

    Test your expression by clicking the run button on the top right of the expression box


    UI Expand
    titleMinimum number of sub-tasks

    The Specify the minimum number of subthe sub-tasks required to satisfy selected filtering conditions (issue type, status, resolution, and field values)that need to satisfy the specified filter criteria. The default value is 0 to ensure the condition passes if the current issue does not have any sub-tasks.

    UI Text Box

    If you set this number to 1, the condition will fail if the issue does not have any sub-tasks or if the existing sub-tasks don't match the specified filter criteria.

    UI Expand
    titleMaximum number of sub-tasks

    The Specify the maximum number of the counted sub-tasks allowed to satisfy selected filtering conditions (issue type, status, resolution, and field values)that need to satisfy the specified filter criteria. The default 1000.

    UI Text Box

    If you set this number to 1, the condition will fail as soon as more than one sub-task satisfies the specified filter criteria.

    UI Expand
    titleAdditional options

    Choose from one of the following options (multi-choice is possible):Optionally select one or multiple filters or issues not matching the defined filter criteria that should be ignored.

    Ignore issue type filter / issues in unselected issue types

    Sub-tasks in unselected issue types will be ignored, i.e., they will be allowed regardless of their status, resolution, field values, and number. Nevertheless, if none of the issue types are selected, checking this option will make the condition behave as if you had selected every issue type.

    Sub-tasks in unselected statuses will be ignored, i.e., they will be allowed regardless of their resolution, field values, and number. Nevertheless, if none of the statuses are selected, checking this option will make the condition behave as if you had selected every status.

    Sub-tasks in unselected resolutions will be ignored, i.e., they will be allowed regardless of their field values and number. Nevertheless, if none of the resolutions are selected, checking this option will make the condition behave as if you had selected every resolution.

    Sub-tasks not satisfying filter by field values will be ignored, i.e., they will be allowed regardless of their number.

    Check this option in the two cases:

    1. You have left the issue type filter blank: In this case you want to ignore the issue type filter and basically make sure that the other criteria you specify must be met in order for the condition to pass, regardless of the issue type. An equivalent would be to select all available issue types in the filter.
    2. You have selected specific issue types in the issue type filter:  In this case, sub-tasks which issue type is different to the ones selected in the filter, will be completely ignored by this condition
    Ignore status filter / issues in unselected statuses

    Check this option in the two cases:

    1. You have left the status filter blank: In this case you want to ignore the status filter and basically make sure that the other criteria you specify must be met in order for the condition to pass, regardless of the status. An equivalent would be to select all available statuses in the filter.
    2. You have selected specific statuses in the status filter:  In this case, sub-tasks in statuses is different to the ones selected in the filter, will be completely ignored by this condition
    Ignore resolution filter / issues with unselected resolutions

    Check this option in the two cases:

    1. You have left the resolution filter blank: In this case you want to ignore the resolution filter and basically make sure that the other criteria you specify must be met in order for the condition to pass, regardless of the resolution. An equivalent would be to select all available resolutions in the filter.
    2. You have selected specific resolutions in the resolution filter:  In this case, sub-tasks with resolutions different to the ones selected in the filter, will be completely ignored by this condition

    Check this option in the two cases:

    1. You have left the field value blank: In this case you want to ignore the field value filter and basically make sure that the other criteria you specify must be met in order for the condition to pass, regardless of the field values
    2. You have specified field values in the field value filter:  In this case, sub-tasks with field values different to the ones selected in the filter, will be completely ignored by this condition

    UI Expand
    titleValidation options

    Include Page
    DECADIS:_snip_skip validation
    DECADIS:_snip_skip validation

    Choose from one of the following options (multi-choice is possible):

    Click on the Add translation button and choose the desired language to be translated to.

    Translations will be displayed based on the user's language setting.

    UI Expand
    titleError message

    Include Page

    UI Expand
    titleValidation options

    If the transition is triggered by a JWT post function, the validation will be skipped.

    If the transition is triggered by a bulk operation, the validation will be skipped.

    If the create transition is triggered by a clone operation, the validation will be skipped.

    f the create transition is triggered by a mail handler, the validation will be skipped.

    UI Expand
    titleError message

    Add an optional error message to show when validation fails.


    Define where the error message should be displayed.


    For the message content to be displayed when an error occurs, enter plain text and optionally use Field codes, e.g. %{issue.summary}, to insert field values.

    UI Text Box

    Test your expression by clicking the play button on the top right of the expression box.

    UI Button
    titleAdd translation

    UI Text Box

    Use cases and examples

    Page properties report
    cqllabel = "use-case" and space = currentSpace() and parent = currentContent()"32215662"

    Excerpt Include
    DECADIS:Contact support
    DECADIS:Contact support

    Page properties

    Tech review


    Style guide

    titleReady for review

    titleReady for review

    Page properties

    Short descriptionValidation on sub-tasks depending on issue Evaluate the current state (type, status, resolution and number, etc.) of sub-tasks.