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This validator can block a transition based on the state and the number of an issue's sub-tasks.

The validator only makes sense when used in a workflow used by standard issue types.

You can specify multiple filter criteria that will be "and concatenated". Per default, all sub-tasks must match the combination of all criteria 

Image ModifiedConfiguration

UI Expand
titleFilter by issue type

If you select specific issue typesall sub-tasks must be of any of the selected issue types. If sub-tasks with other issue types are found, the validator will fail.

The additional filters can be used to further restrict the issues to be analyzed.

UI Text Box

If you leave this filter blank, e.g. if the issue type is irrelevant, you must check the additional option Skip issue type filter / issues in unselected issue types.

If you select specific issue types and also check the additional option Skip issue type filter / issues in unselected issue types, the additional criteria (status, resolution, field value) will only be applied to the selected issue types.

UI Expand
titleFilter by status

If you select specific statusesall sub-tasks must be in any of the selected statuses. If sub-tasks with other statuses are found, the validator will fail.

The additional filters can be used to further restrict the issues to be analyzed.

UI Text Box

If you leave this filter blank, e.g. if the status is irrelevant, you must check the additional option Skip status filter / issues in unselected statuses.

If you select specific statuses and also check the additional option Skip status filter / issues in unselected statuses, the additional criteria (issue type, resolution, field value) will only be applied to the issues in the selected statuses.

UI Expand
titleFilter by resolution

If you select specific resolutionsall sub-tasks must have any of the selected resolutions. If sub-tasks with other resolutions are found, the validator will fail.

The additional filters can be used to further restrict the issues to be analyzed.

UI Text Box

If you leave this filter blank, e.g. if the resolution is irrelevant, you must check the additional option Skip resolution filter / issues with unselected resolutions.

If you select specific resolutions and also check the additional option Skip status filter / issues in unselected statuses, the additional criteria (issue type, resolution, field value) will only be applied to the issues with the selected resolutions.

UI Expand
titleFilter by field value

Optionally limit the sub-tasks to be counted or analyzed by their field values. To achieve this you must enter an expression in Logical mode. The expression must return  true or false

UI Text Box



Code Block
%{seed.issue.assignee} != null 

All sub-tasks must be assigned to a user. If unassigned sub-tasks are found, the validator will fail.

UI Text Box

Values in sub-tasks have to be referenced by their seed field codes.

Code Block
%{issue.dueDate} <= %{seed.issue.dueDate}

All sub-tasks must have a due date of equal to or later than the current issue's due date.

UI Text Box

Values in sub-tasks have to be referenced by their seed field codes.

UI Text Box

If you specify an expression and also check the additional option Skip issues with unmatched field values, the additional criteria (issue type, resolution, field value) will only be applied to the issues that match the expression.

UI Expand
titleMinimum number of sub-tasks

Specify the minimum number of the sub-tasks that need to satisfy the specified filter criteria. The default value is 0 to ensure the validator passes if the current issue does not have any sub-tasks.

UI Text Box

If you set this number to 1, the validator will fail if the issue does not have any sub-tasks or if the existing sub-tasks don't match the specified filter criteria.

UI Expand
titleMaximum number of sub-tasks

Specify the maximum number of the counted sub-tasks that need to satisfy the specified filter criteria. The default is 1000.

UI Text Box

If you set this number to 1, the validator will fail as soon as more than one sub-task satisfies the specified filter criteria.

UI Expand
titleAdditional options

The following options can be used to refine the number of issues you want to analyze in this validator.

Per default all filters are mandatory, filters are "and concatenated" and you cannot save your configuration unless you have specified values. Any sub-task being analyzed by the validator must match all criteria.

UI Text Box

If you leave a filter blank you must check the additional option to skip the filter. Otherwise you cannot save your configuration.

The additional options allow you to override the default behavior.

FilterAdditional optionDescription
No value selectedNot checked 
(error)Not possible. If you want to skip the filter you have to uncheck the corresponding additional option.
No value selectedChecked 

Skip this filter completely. An equivalent would be to select all available options, e.g. all issue types are allowed.

One or multiple values selectedNot checked 
(error)Enforce that all sub-tasks which are analyzed must have the selected values, e.g. only selected issue types are allowed.
One or multiple values selectedChecked 

Issues not matching the specified value areallowed and will be ignored when evaluating whether the validator passes

UI Text Box

By default, whenever a value is selected in a filter it will be combined with all other filter criteria and all sub-tasks must match the filter combination.

If you only want to analyze specific issue types (e.g. "Test cases"), select "Test case" in the issue type filter and check the corresponding additional option. This way, other sub-tasks (which are not "Test cases") can exist and will not be considered.


The table below lists a few example configurations and their JQL equivalent.

  • Issue type: Sub-task
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: blank
  • Additional options: 
    • Skip resolution filter

Code Block
type = Sub-task AND status = Closed

  • Issue type: Sub-task
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: blank
  • Additional options: 
    • Skip issue type filter
    • Skip resolution filter

Code Block
(type = Sub-task AND status = Closed) OR type != Sub-task

  • Issue type: Sub-task
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Done
  • Additional options: 
    • Skip issue type filter
    • Skip resolution filter

Code Block
(type = Sub-task AND status = Closed AND and resolution = Done) OR type != Sub-task OR resolution != Closed

Skip issue type filter / issues in unselected issue types

The issue type is irrelevant for this validator or sub-tasks in non-selected issue types will be ignored when evaluating whether the validator passes.

Skip status filter / issues in unselected statuses

The status is irrelevant for this validator or sub-tasks in non-selected statuses will be ignored when evaluating whether the validator passes.

Skip resolution filter / issues with unselected resolutions

The resolution is irrelevant for this validator or sub-tasks with non-selected resolutions will be ignored when evaluating whether the validator passes.

Field values are irrelevant for this validator or sub-tasks with unmatched field values will be ignored when evaluating whether the validator passes.

UI Expand
titleValidation options

Include Page
DECADIS:_snip_skip validation
DECADIS:_snip_skip validation

UI Expand
titleError message

Include Page

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If you want to use this functionality in a condition instead, have a look at the following condition: Condition on sub-tasks

Image ModifiedUse cases and examples

Page properties report
firstcolumnUse case
headingsJWT feature, Workflow function, Parser functions, Label
cqllabel = "use-case-workflow" and space = currentSpace() and parent = ancestor in ("32215662","32215873")

Excerpt Include
DECADIS:Contact support
DECADIS:Contact support

Page properties

Tech review


Style guide

titleReady for reviewdone

titleReady for review

Page properties

Short descriptionEvaluate the current state (type, status, number, etc.) of sub-tasks.

Page properties


Currently, this validation option is not available on JWT Cloud, only in server.