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[2016-06-20] Released


Jira Workflow Toolbox 2.2.12

New Features

  • Added new parser functions:
toInteger(string s, string radix) : numberreturns the numeric value represented by the string s as a signed integer in the radix specified by argument radix.
Example: toInteger("ff", 16) returns 255.
findModify(string s, string regexp, string replacement_expression) : string listReturns a string like s, but where all substrings matching regexp have been replaced with the result of evaluating replacement_expression against each these substrings. Argument text_expression is an expression that returns a string, where ^% represents each of the matching substrings, and ^ represents the order of appearance beginning with 1.
Example: findModify("The cure for boredom is curiosity.", "[aeiou]", modulus(^, 2) = 1 ? toUpperCase(^%) : ^%) returns "ThE curE for bOredOm is cUriOsity.".
getAscii(number code) : stringreturns a string containing the symbol corresponding to a extended ASCII code (0 <= code <= 255).
Example: getAscii(65) returns "A".
isBulkTriggeredTransition() : booleanReturns true only if current transition execution is being triggered by JIRAJira's bulk operation feature. This function is useful for bypassing validations or post-functions when a transition is being executed by a bulk update operation.
allAvailableItems(%{nnnnn}) : string listReturns a string list with all available options in select or multiselect field with field code %{nnnnn}. Disabled options are included.
Example: availableItems(%{00103}) returns a string list with all security levels available for the project and current user.
allAvailableItems(%{nnnnn}, string option) : string listReturns a string list with the available child options in cascading or multilevel cascading field with ID %{nnnnn}, and for option parent option. In the case of multilevel cascading fields, a comma separated list of options should be entered. Disabled options are included.
  • New virtual field "JIRA Jira base URL" that returns the base URL for current JIRA Jira instance.


  • Support for reading custom fields created by "Checklist for JIRAJira" add-on. These fields cannot yet be updated using JIRA Jira Workflow Toolbox.
  • Issue #330 - Since version 2.2.12, functions availableItems(field_code) and numberOfAvailableItems(field_code) only consider enabled options. Until now this functions returned also disabled options.


  • Several UI improvements.

Bug Fixes

  • Issue #333: SECURITY XSS on 'View transition's configuration' page.
