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Title Last Updated By Updated
Page: Automation selectors Iheb Kharab Nov 20, 2020
Page: Automation triggers Iheb Kharab Nov 20, 2020
Page: Automation use cases Christian Czaia Nov 25, 2020
Page: Available target statuses Iheb Kharab Dec 08, 2021
Page: Available transitions Vicente Domínguez Navarro Sept 29, 2022
Page: availableItems() Iheb Kharab Dec 13, 2021
Page: avg() Iheb Kharab Dec 13, 2021
Page: Basic text mode Marcel Frank Mar 30, 2023
Page: Block a transition until all sub-tasks have certain fields populated Vicente Domínguez Navarro May 17, 2023
Page: Block an Epic's transition depending on linked issues status and due date Iheb Kharab Oct 12, 2021
Page: Block an Epic's transition until all the issues under that Epic are resolved Iheb Kharab Oct 12, 2021
Page: Boolean condition Iheb Kharab Nov 10, 2020
Page: Bulk clear the issue resolution Vicente Domínguez Navarro May 10, 2023
Page: Bulk edit the issue resolution Iheb Kharab Nov 19, 2020
Page: Calculate custom sequence numbers Iheb Kharab Oct 14, 2021
Page: Calculated fields use cases Ute Masermann Jan 23, 2024
Page: Calendar functions Christian Czaia Nov 23, 2020
Page: Calendar use cases Christian Czaia Nov 25, 2020
Page: capitalizeWords() Iheb Kharab Dec 13, 2021
Page: capitalizeWordsFully() Iheb Kharab Dec 13, 2021
Page: cbrt() Iheb Kharab Dec 13, 2021
Page: ceil() Iheb Kharab Jan 04, 2022
Page: Change the assignee to the next evaluator Vicente Domínguez Navarro Nov 07, 2022
Page: Check if an issue was resolved on time Vicente Domínguez Navarro May 04, 2023
Page: Clone epic, tasks and sub-tasks Vicente Domínguez Navarro Nov 18, 2022
Page: Clone issue in external instance Vicente Domínguez Navarro May 17, 2023
Page: Clone issue link Iheb Kharab Nov 04, 2020
Page: Close epic when stories are done Vicente Domínguez Navarro Jan 12, 2023
Page: Close parent issue only when all sub-tasks are closed Jona Ittermann Nov 25, 2020
Page: Close stories when epic is done Iheb Kharab Nov 17, 2020
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