Features used to implement the example

  • Set a field as a function of other fields
  • Virtual field "New watchers": writing into this field a comma separated list of user namesgroup names or project roles names, will add new watchers to the issue.

  • Virtual field "Security level": used to check the current Security level of current issue.

Example: Add watcher depending on security level

We want to add one or more watchers to current issue depending on its Security Level.

Let's suppose we have want to implement the following behavior:

  • If security level is "Internal" then add user "konrad.zuse" as watcher.

  • If security level is "Executive" then add users "ada.lovelace" and "charles.babbage" as watchers.

  • If security level is "Manager" then add user "john.neumann" as watcher.

  • If security level is "Classified" then add user "alan.turing", and all users in project role "Classified Observers" as watchers.

We will add post-function Set a field as a function of other fields to transition "Create Issue" with the following configuration:

Setting rules used in this example are:

(Classified)alan.turing, Classified Observers

Once configured, transition "Create Issue" will look like this:

Other examples of that function

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