Futures used to implement the example

Example: Count number of open subtasks

In this example, the subtasks of the current issue, which are open - so in status category "To Do" or "In Progress" -, will be counted and displayed in a Calculated Number Field.

The configuration of this custom field will look like this:

Text to be parsed is: count(filterByPredicate(subtasks(), ^%{00144} = "To Do" OR ^%{00144} = "In Progress"))

Note that:

  • %{00144} is field code for field Status category
  • The ^ is for referencing to the field values of the issue list l - in this case "subtasks()" (see below). Otherwise it would be referenced to the current issue.
    [Schema for function filterByPredicate(issue list l, boolean expression predicate)]

Adding the custom field to an issue with subtasks in different categories will look like this:

Other examples of that function

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