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Use case

Display all the reporters of the Cloud issues linked to the current issue in Data Center.


Create a new Remote action in Jira administration > Manage apps > Remote actions.

 Name the new remote action Get Cloud issues.  

Select the GET method

Select your Cloud instance as the default connection or create a new connection.

Enter the following REST path.


Define a default value for the jql parameter. 

Create a new Calculated Text Field (by JWT) custom field.

Name the calculated field Reporters of external linked issues.

Providing a description will help you to identify what the custom field does.

Parser expression

Add the following expression.

toString(distinct(toStringList(executeRemoteAction("Get Cloud issues",  "body.issues[].fields.reporter.displayName" ,  ["jql": "key in (" + toString(findPattern(%{issue.remoteLinks} , "([A-Z][A-Z0-9]+-[1-9][0-9]*)")) + ")"]  ))))

If the JMESPath expression of this code excerpt is modified, the values of other fields from the linked external issues could be retrieved.

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