This page presents a collection of string list expressions valid for the Expression parser 201 - All functions.

String list is one of the data types that can be returned by an expression in Automation Toolbox for Jira.

String List Literals

The syntax of a string list literal is a comma separated list of strings in double quotes written inside brackets. Examples:

ExpressionExample of returned value
[]Empty list.-
["red", "blue", "green"]String list with 3 strings.-
["Ada Lovelace", "John von Neuman", "Alan Turing"]String list with 3 strings.-

Reading Fields from Issue Lists

When we read field values from issues using field codes for string values (format %{...nnnnn}), the returned data type is a string list.

ExpressionExample of returned value
fieldValue(%{...assignee}, subtasks())List of usernames of the assignees of the current issue's subtasks. It may contain repeated usernames.
distinct(fieldValue(%{...assignee}, subtasks()))List of usernames of the assignees of the current issue's subtasks. It will not contain repeated usernames, because of the usage of function distinct().
fieldValue(%{...priority}, linkedIssues("blocks, is cloned by"))List of priorities of those issues linked to current issue through issue link types "blocks" and "is cloned by".

You will find very useful these examples of Issue List expressions in order to select the issues you need to read fields from.

Reading Multi-valued Fields as String Lists

Fields codes of multi-valued fields like Affected versions, Fixed versions, Components, Labels, Attachments, Watchers, Request Participants, Multi-Select List, Check List, Multi-User Picker, Multi-Group Picker and Multi-Version Picker custom fields, return a string with a comma separated list of values. We can convert this string into a string list by means of function toStringList().

ExpressionExample of returned value
toStringList(%{...version})If Fixed versions field code (i.e., %{...version}) returned "1.1, 1.2, 1.3", the expression would return ["1.1", "1.2", "1.3"]
toStringList(%{...components})String list with the components currently selected in field Components.

Reading Multi-valued Fields from Issue Lists

ExpressionExample of returned value
distinct(toStringList(toString(fieldValue(%{...components}, subtasks())), ","))Returns a string list with all the components present in the sub-tasks of current issue. The list obtained doesn't contain duplicates, thanks to function distinct().

Parsing a String into a String List

We can use the following functions in order to parse a string into a string list:

ExpressionExample of returned value
toStringList(string s, string separators) : string listINPUT: String with a list of tokens separated by one or more characters.
OUTPUT: A string list with tokens in argument s separated by characters in argument separators.
Example: toStringList("red, orange, yellow; green; blue; purple", ",;") returns the following string list: ["red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "purple"].
findPattern(string s, string regexp) : string listReturns a string list with all substrings in argument s matching regular expression in string argument regexp.
Example: findPattern("Between 1900 and 2000 world population increase from 1.5 to 6.1 billions.", "\\d+(\\.\\d+)?") returns ["1900", "2000", "1.5", "6.1"].
findPatternIgnoreCase(string s, string regexp) : string listReturns a string list with all substrings in argument s matching regular expression in string argument regexp. Evaluation of the regular expression is carried out in ignoring case mode.
Example: findPatternIgnoreCase("Grass is Green and Sky is Blue.", "red|green|blue") returns ["Green", "Blue"].

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