Since version 2.6.0 it is possible to temporarily store values through functions. Stored values can easily be retrieved or referenced later in the same expression.

Functions used to retrieve (get) values previously stored (set) can directly be used in the same expression.

The values can only be used for the current expression and cannot be reused in another expression.


FunctionReturned value
setNumber(string variable_name, number value) : numberReturns value and stores it into an internal numerical variable called variable_name.
getNumber(string variable_name) : numberReturns the numeric value stored into internal variable called variable_name.
setString(string variable_name, string value) : stringReturns value and stores it into an internal string variable called variable_name.
getString(string variable_name) : stringReturns the string value stored into internal variable called variable_name.
setNumberList(string variable_name, number list value) : number listReturns value and stores it into an internal numerical list variable called variable_name.
getNumberList(string variable_name) : number listReturns number list value stored into an internal variable called variable_name.
setStringList(string variable_name, string list value) : string listReturns value and stores it into an internal string list variable called variable_name.
getStringList(string variable_name) : string listReturns string list value stored into an internal variable called variable_name.
setIssueList(string variable_name, issue list value) : issue listReturns value and stores it into an internal issue list variable called variable_name.
getIssueList(string variable_name) : issue listReturns issue list value stored into an internal variable called variable_name.
setBoolean(string variable_name, boolean value) : booleanReturns value and stores it into an internal variable variable called variable_name.
getBoolean(string variable_name) : booleanReturns boolean value stored into an internal variable called variable_name.


You want to emphasize the importance of blocking issues by returning AND coloring the number of linked blocking issues.

If more than 3 issues are linked as blocking issues the exact number will be returned in red otherwise in green.

The number will directly be saved (set) and later referenced as x via the set/get method/function. 

Before value storageAfter value storage
count(linkedIssues("is blocked by")) > 3
"<font color=\"red\">" + count(linkedIssues("is blocked by"))  + "</font>"
: "<font color=\"green\">" + count(linkedIssues("is blocked by"))  + "</font>"

setNumber("x", count(linkedIssues("is blocked by")) > 3

? "<font color=\"red\">" + getNumber("x") + "</font>"

: "<font color=\"green\">" + getNumber("x") + "</font>"