[2015-06-17] Released Jira Workflow Toolbox 2.1.32

New features

unreleasedVersions() : string list Returns a string list with unreleased version names of current issue's project. Returned versions may be archived.
unreleasedVersions(string projects) : string list Returns a string list with unreleased version names of projects in argument projects. Returned versions may be archived. Arguments projects is a comma separated list of project keys or project names.
releasedVersions() : string list Returns a string list with released version names of current issue's project. Returned versions may be archived.
releasedVersions(string projects) : string list Returns a string list with released version names of projects in argument projects. Returned versions may be archived. Arguments projects is a comma separated list of project keys or project names.
archivedVersions() : string list Returns a string list with released version names of current issue's project. Returned versions may be archived.
archivedVersions(string projects) : string list Returns a string list with released version names of projects in argument projects. Returned versions may either released or unreleased. Arguments projects is a comma separated list of project keys or project names.
latestReleasedVersion() : string list Returns string with the name of the latest released version in current issue's project.
latestReleasedVersion(string projects) : string list Returns string with the name of the latest released version among projects in argument projects. Returned versions may either released or unreleased. Arguments projects is a comma separated list of project keys or project names.
earliestUnreleasedVersion() : string list Returns string with the name of the earliest unreleased version in current issue's project.
earliestUnreleasedVersion(string projects) : string list Returns string with the name of the earliest unreleased version among projects in argument projects. Returned versions may either released or unreleased. Arguments projects is a comma separated list of project keys or project names.
count(number n, number list l) : number Returns the number of times n appears in l.
Example: count(1, [1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 0]) returns 3.
count(string s, string list l) : number Returns the number of times s appears in l.
Example: count("blue", ["blue", "blue", "red", "red", "blue", "green"]) returns 3.

Examples of Parser expressions

findPattern(string s, string regexp) : string list Returns a string list with all substrings in argument s matching regular expression in string argument regexp.
findPatternIgnoreCase(string s, string regexp) : string list Returns a string list with all substrings in argument s matching regular expression in string argument regexp. Evaluation of the regular expression is carried out in ignoring case mode.
findReplaceAll(string s, string find, string replacement) : string list Returns a string with content of argument s where every ocurrence of substring find has been replaced with string replacement.
findReplaceAllIgnoreCase(string s, string find, string replacement) : string list Returns a string with content of argument s where every ocurrence of substring find, ignoring the case, has been replaced with string replacement.
findReplaceFirst(string s, string find, string replacement) : string list Returns a string with content of argument s where first ocurrence of substring find has been replaced with string replacement.
findReplaceFirstIgnoreCase(string s, string find, string replacement) : string list Returns a string with content of argument s where first ocurrence of substring find, ignoring the case, has been replaced with string replacement.

fullNameToUser(string fullName) : string Returns a string with the name of a user whose full name is equal to argument fullName. Returned value is a string with a user name.
usersWithEmail(string email) : string list Returns a string list with the user names of those users with emails equal to argument email. In case that only one user is expected, function first(string list) can be used to extract a string with its user name.


Bug fixes