Jira Workflow Toolbox provides 3 JQL functions to query on values of Project Properties. These functions complements conditions, validators and post-functions provided by the plugin to deal with project properties.

projectsWhereTextProperty( project_property, operator, string_literal | regular_expression )

This function is used for searching text or string values in project properties.

  • project_property: name of a project property containing a text or string value.
  • operator: comparison operator to be applied.
    • =: strict equal operator.
    • !=: strict not equal operator.
    • ~: approximate equal operator (case insensitive and trims blanks).
    • !~: approximate not equal operator (case insensitive and trims blanks).
    • matches: value of project property matches a regular expression.
    • doesn't match: value of project property doesn't match a regular expression.
    • >, >=, <, <=: lexicographical order operators.
  • string_literal | regular_expression: a string literal used for comparison, or a regular expression in the case of matches operator.


  • projects in projectsWhereTextProperty( country, "=", Spain ) : list of projects where property 'country' is equal to 'Spain', i.e. string {country=Spain} is present in project's description.

  • projects in projectsWhereTextProperty( country, matches, "France|Germany" ) : list of projects where property 'country' matches regular expression France|Germany, i.e. string {country=France} or {country=Germany} are present in project description.

  • projects in projectsWhereTextProperty( country, "~", spain ) : list of projects where property 'country' is equal to 'spain', 'SPAIN', ' SpAiN ', etc.

projectsWhereNumberProperty( project_property, operator, numeric_literal )

This function is used for searching numeric values in project properties.

  • project_property: name of a project property containing a numeric value.
  • operator: comparison operator to be applied: =, !=, >, >=, <, <=.
  • numeric_literal: number to be compared with the value stored in the project property.


  • projects in projectsWhereNumberProperty( maximumNumberOfTryOuts, ">", 3 )

  • projects in projectsWhereNumberProperty( numberOfLevels, "=", 5 )

projectsWhereDateProperty( project_property, operator, date_literal )

This function is used for searching properties containing a date in format yyyy/MM/dd [hh:mm] or yyyy-MM-dd [hh:mm]. You can also use w (weeks) or d (days) to specify a date relative to the current date. Quote-marks " must be used.

  • project_property: name of a project property containing a date value.
  • operator: comparison operator to be applied: =, !=, >, >=, <, <=.
  • date_literal: date to be compared with date stored in the project property.


  • projects in projectsWhereDateProperty( birthDay, ">", 2012/01/01 ) : list of projects where property 'birthDay' stores a date after '2012/01/01'.

  • projects in projectsWhereDateProperty( nextMeeting, ">=", -1w ) : list of projects where property 'nextMeeting' stores a date within the last seven days.