[2014-12-11] Released JIRA Workflow Toolbox 2.1.23

New features

previousValue(%{nnnnn}) : string Returns a string with the previous value of a field for current issue. It will return null if field was previously uninitialized.
previousValue({nnnnn}) : number Returns a number with the previous value of a numeric or date field for current issue. It will return null if field was previously uninitialized.
previousValue(%{nnnnn.i}) : string Returns a string with the previous value of a cascading or multi-cascading select field for current issue at level i (with root level = 0). It will return null if field was previously uninitialized.
fieldHistory(%{nnnnn}) : string list Returns a list of strings with all the values that a field ever had in the past for current issue. Uninitialized field statuses are represented by empty strings.
fieldHistory({nnnnn}) : number list Returns a list of numbers with all the values that a numeric or date field ever had in the past for current issue. Uninitialized field statuses are not represented.
fieldHistory(%{nnnnn.i}) : string list Returns a list of strings with all the values that a cascading or multi-cascading select field ever had in the past for level i (with root level = 0) in current issue. Uninitialized field statuses are represented by empty strings.

Supported fields are: Summary, Description, Assignee, Reporter, Due date, Issue status, Priority, Resolution, Environment, Fixed versions, Affected versions, Labels, Components, Security level and all the custom fields.


Bug fixes