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Starting with this version, the Calendar Week parameter is no longer formatted with the default c3.js formatting, that was:

WEEK("CW%W") //week formatting - default c3.js

Replaced with this version:

function formatWeek(d)
	if (d instanceof Date)
		var momentDate;

		//we need this for checking if the chart is displayed in an iframe (Jira UI) or in a separate window
		var isInIframe = (window === window.parent) ? false : true;

		//use jira moment when available
		if (isInIframe) {
			momentDate = window.parent.moment(d);
		//use included resource for displaying the week in charts to go - requires moment.js as a resource in the JS layout
		else {
			momentDate = moment(d);

		return 'CW' + momentDate.week();
	return '';

So if you have scripted charts that are using the Time Picker parameter, please change the layout and add the formatWeek function provided above to it, so that the chart can be properly rendered.

Bug fixes

  • The incorrect week is being returned if the Time Period Picker is set to use the week as an input parameter.
  • Charts are not being loaded in some browsers if opened through a link.