Features used to implement the example

Example: Use field value as a key for referencing an issue in different project and reading field values in referenced issue

I use Contact Manager app and Email this issue app for Jira Service Desk.

I have 2 projects :

  • Customer relationship Management (CRM) i had stored all information about the customer.
  • Support team (ST) Jira Help Desk project

When a external user sends an email, a Mail handler create an issue. "Email this issue" take the email of "To" and write it in "Customer Contact Email" field in ST project.

In ST project there is a custom field for autocomplete the contact of the issue and when we click on it, we have all information stored in CRM project.

With your plugin i want to check the value of "Customer Contact Email" that "Email this issue" has set and search in CRM project if there are something with this value :

Example: JQL: project = CRM and "Customer Contact Email" ~ "albertini.olivier@gmail.com"

and take the field Contact and write the value in the "Contact" field of ST project.

Because now the support team, check the value of "Customer Contact Email" and rewrite in "Contact" field in order to have an autocomplete and having a link with the issue of CRM project.

I have some questions in order to fully understand your use case:

  1. Is there a field "Customer Contact Email" in both projects CRM and ST?
  2. Is there a field "Contact" in both projects CRM and ST?
  3. In case you don't have information in project CRM about the customer, is there something special to do?

I need some clarification about the following fragments of your explanation:

1) "...take the field Contact and write the value in the "Contact" field of ST project."

Does it mean that field "Contact" exists in both projects?

2) "Because now the support team, check the value of "Customer Contact Email" and rewritte in "Contact" field in order to have an autocomplete and having a link with the issue of CRM project."

Is the value of field "Contact" in project "CRM" what you want to write into field "Contact" of project "ST"?

I explain the way to do it assuming that:

  • You want to write the field Contact in an issue of project ST at the moment of being created.
  • The value to be written is the value of field Contact in an issue of project CRM where the field Customer Contact Email has the same value as the field Customer Contact Email in the issue being created at project ST.

You have to use post-function Read field from issues returned by JQL query or issue list with the following configuration:

Notice that:

  • %{11900} is the field code for field "Customer Contact Email"

Once configured, post-function "Create Issue" in the workflow of issues at project "ST" will look like this:

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