Features used to implement the example

Example: Calculating number of linked Bugs with Hyperlink

In this example we want to count all Bugs linked to the issue and when clicking on the number we want to get to see all these issues in the issue navigator.

For this a Calculated Text Field is needed. The configuration will look like this:

Text to be parsed is: "<a href='"+%{00169}+"/issues/?jql=issue%20in%20linkedIssues(\""+%{00015}+"\")%20and%20type%3DBug'>" + count(filterByIssueType(linkedIssues(),"Bug")) + "</a>"

Note that:

  • %{00169} is field code for field Jira Base URL
  • %{00015} is field code for field Issue key

Once configured and added to the issue, the issue screen will look like this:

Clicking on the number resulting from the custom field (in this case "2"), will link to the issue navigator: