Features used to implement the example

Example: Calculating remaining time in issues and subtasks of epics

In this example we want to calculate and display the remaining time (in days) of issues and subtasks in an epic.

For this we need a calculated number field. The configuration will look like this:

Text to be parsed is: sum(fieldValue({00024}, issuesUnderEpic() UNION linkedIssues("",issuesUnderEpic()))) /480

The display format configuration is shown in the following screenshot.

Text to be parsed is: ###.## d

This is done for displaying the remaining time in days.

Adding the custom field to the issue screen will look like this:

Adding a predicted due date to the epic

Resulting of the created custom field, another custom field can be configured to predict a due date for the whole epic based on the Remaining time.

For this a JWT Calculated Date-Time field is needed.

The configuration will look like this:

Text to be parsed is: addTimeSkippingWeekends({00057}, {10200}*{DAY}, LOCAL, {FRIDAY}, {SATURDAY}) 

Note that:

  • {00057}is field code for field Current date and time
  • {10301} is field code for custom field Epic Remaining. It could distinguish from your custom field code.

Adding the second custom field to the epic will look like this:

Other examples of this custom field