Features used to implement the example

Example: Transition only a sub-task among several ones

Could you please advise how I can transit only first sub-task on parent issue transition.

It will require JIRA Workflow Toolbox 2.1.28 or higher. It can be done using 3 post-functions:

Copy a parsed text to a field post-function to write the name of a transition into virtual field "Ephemeral string 1" virtual field. In this example I use transition "Start Progress":

Copy a parsed text to a field post-function to write the issue key of first sub-task order by a certain field into virtual field "Ephemeral string 2". In this example I order sub-tasks by creation date-time in ascending order:

Text to be parsed is: toString(first(sort(subtasks(), {00009}, ASC)))

Note that:

  • {00009} is code for numeric value of field "Date and time of creation"
  • We are using advanced parsing mode

Update issue fields post-function for copying the name of the transition in "Ephemeral field 1" into virtual field "Execute transition" of issue whose key is in "Ephemeral field 2":

Text to be parsed is: issuekey in ("%{00062}")

Note that:

  • %{00062} is field code for "Ephemeral string 2"

Once transition is configured, it will look like this:

Other examples of that functions

Update issue fields

Copy parsed text to a field

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