
xCharts is a charting app that allows to generate custom charts & reports directly within Jira to visualize project and issue analysis. New charts can easily be created in no time by using chart & report templates. Furthermore, these templates can be expanded by just scripting own charts using Groovy and Javascript.


xCharts can be reached via the Jira navigation bar.

Creating your first chart

Creating a brand new chart can easily be done by using one of the many built-in templates.

By going to the "Chart Templates" any chart or report can be chosen. Clicking on the  button will create a new chart.

In the upcoming page the chart can be configured according to the specific needs by e.g. entering a JQL or selecting a Field to be summed up.

After setting the chart up it can be previewed by hitting "Chart Preview".

Finally, the chart can be saved by clicking on "Save as Chart".

Created charts can then be accessed by either going to the "Chart Browser" or by hitting "Charts" in the sidebar.

Chart Browser

The Chart Browser can be used for browsing through all created charts, grouped by:

  • Favorites: Lists all charts that are marked as favorite
  • Configured Charts: Lists all saved chart configurations based on Built-In Charts.
  • Custom Charts: Lists all saved chart configurations based on Scripted Charts.
  • Built-in Charts: Lists all built-in charts where no configuration is needed


Additionally, it is possible to:

  1. Open the chart in a new tab
  2. Edit the chart configuration
  3. Export the chart as PNG or SVG.


Here are all charts listed that can be viewed by the current user. If he does not have the required permission, the chart won't be shown.

Charts can be viewed by clicking on the chart name.

Favorite: Shows whether a chart is marked as favorite or not. (read more)


Chart Templates

This page gives you an overview about all configurable built-in & scripted charts. New charts can be created by hitting the  button.  

Name: Displays the name and a description of a template. 

Parameters: Show all parameters, which can be defined for a chart 

Chart Type: Shows whether a chart is a built-in or a scripted chart. 


Currently there are two gadgets available within xCharts:

They can be used for displaying the created charts right on the dashboard.

Charts in projects & issues

xCharts adds a "Charts" tab to the project navigation providing quick and easy access to relevant charts relevant for the project, e.g. Tickets over Time.

Favorite Charts

When marking a chart as favorite chart, it will be available in the drop-down menu on the "Chart Browser" page and in the drop-down "Charts" menu in the Jira top navigation bar.


Built-In Chart: Chart that is bundled in the plugin (configurable or not)

Scripted Chart: Chart created by users, written in Groovy Script.

Javascript Layout: The JS function that generates the c3.js chart and displays it.

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