Features used to implement the example

Example: Parse email adresses to watchers list

In this example email addresses of Jira users will be comma separated entered in a text custom field. By these addresses the specific users should be added to the watchers list of the created issue.

For this the post function Copy parsed text to a field is needed.

Text to be parsed is: toString(textOnStringList(toStringList(%{10400}, ", "), toString(usersWithEmail(^%))))

Note that:

  • Before setting up the post function a custom text field is needed for storing the email addresses.
  • %{10400} is field code for a text custom field where the email addresses get stored. In your instance this code might be different

Once configured, the transition will look like this:

When now creating a new issue and adding the email addresses to the custom field when the create issue screen, they will be added as watchers.

(info) When adding the Jira usernames to another custom field a JWT text custom field can be used instead. The code line won't change and a post function is not needed.

Other examples of that function

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