Example: Set a condition in a global transition which only applies in a certain status

To implement that condition you have to use Boolean condition with math, date-time or text-string terms with a boolean expression like this: %{00016} != "Status1" OR (condition)

Let's see an example: If issue is in status "Status1we will show the global transition to the user only if Priority is "Blocker" and Due Date is set. In this example we use Boolean condition with math, date-time or text-string terms with the following configuration:

Text to be parsed is: %{00016} != "Status1" OR (%{00017} = "Blocker" AND {00012} != null)

Note that:

  • %{00016} is field code for "Issue status"
  • %{00017} is field code for "Priority"

  • {00012} is field code for numeric value of "Due Date"

Once configured, the condition will look like this:

Other examples of that function

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