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JWT is a text specialist!

Texts can be provided as fixed values - or literals - in the format described in the table below or they can be retrieved by using field codes.

Fixed values

Texts can be added to any expression as fixed values. How texts are being interpreted depend on the Parsing modes. Usually texts are enclosed by quotes "".

Valid text valuesA simple text can be added enclosed by quotes unless you are using the Basic text mode. In this case you do not need quotes.

"This is a text."

Concatenated text valuesYou can concatenate texts with the + operator. This is useful when text fragments are separated by field codes or parser functions.

"This is" + " a text." #the result is the same as above "This is a text."

"This must be done by" + %{issue.dueDate} + ". Thank you!"

Escape character \This character can precede any of the following characters: ", \, n, r, t, f and b in order to invoke an alternative interpretation. 

"The man said: \"Hello!\"." #the result would be The man said: "Hello!"

Variable values (field values)

Text values of  data type fields can be inserted in any expression as text field codes using the following notation %{...somefield} - e.g %{issue.summary}.

Any field type or data type can be transformed to text, so any field can be referenced as a text-string value using the following notation: %{issue.somefield}.

If a field has no value ( null), an empty text will be returned.

Cascading Select fields are treated as text fields, where i is the index that represents the level to be accessed. ( i = 0 is used for base level) are notated as %{issue.somefield.i}

Available functions