On this page


<link to function being used>


 Post function

Use case description

Create an issue in the current project and set a summary and a description, you can make use of this post function if you need to create the same issue over and over again, to avoid repetitive tasks, make less errors and save time.



Configuration steps (<condition / validator / post function> select one only if multiple elements are used in example)

Definition of basic (required) parameters

ParameterValue(s) / Steps to set value(s)Notes (optional column)→ Delete if not needed

<state the exact name of the parameter. e.g. Target fields and Source values >

  • (info) Parameter in bold
  • Required parameter with asterisk *

<Single value or steps to set the parameters>

e.g. Current Issue  or

  1. Target field: Description
  2. Value type: Field in current issue
  3. Source field in current issue: Parent's description

(info) Value in bold

Definition of advanced parameters (just in case we need them, if not→ delete heading)

ParameterValue(s) / Steps to set value(s)Notes (optional column)→ Delete if not needed
<state the exact name of the parameter. e.g. Conditional execution >

<Single value or steps to set the parameters>


%{00017} = "High"

<Explain code snippet>

This is how it's done

<Screencast goes in here> Detailed instruction can be found here: https://www.decadis.net/confluence/display/XAPPSBRANDING/Screencasts+Framework

Use multimedia macro!

This is how it should look like

WhereFinal configuration
Backend<Screenshot goes here → max 800px width >
Frontend<Screenshot goes here → max 800px width >

Related examples (only if they exist, otherwise delete heading)