On this page

Use case

When an issue is created, sub-tasks for each option selected in the 'Checkbox' custom field are added.


<link to function being used>

Use case descriptionWhen an issue is created, sub-tasks for each option selected in the 'Checkbox' custom field are added.

Issue Event

Create a new rule and name it appropriately.

Providing a description will help you to identify what the rule does but this step is optional.

Add a trigger and choose the Issue event → Issue created

No further configuration needed. The automation rule is triggered every time an issue is being transitioned.

Create Issue

Add ActionCreate Issue

Issues to be created*

Choose Multiple issues

Parser Expression*


Note that: nnnnn is field code for the checkbox custom field.

Issue type*: Choose Sub-task

Parent issue*: 

Choose Trigger issue


Use the following parser expression:
