On this page

Use case

When the 'Number field' custom field is changed in a sub-task, the corresponding field in the parent, representing the sum of those field values, gets updated with the updated result.


<link to function being used>

Use case description

When the 'Number field' custom field is changed in a sub-task, the corresponding field in the parent, representing the sum of those field values, gets updated with the updated result.


Field Changed Event

Create a new rule and name it appropriately.

Providing a description will help you to identify what the rule does but this step is optional.

Add a trigger and choose the Field Changed Event

Choose Number Field in Fields* and Any value in Changed to*

No further configuration needed. The automation rule is triggered every time an issue is being transitioned.

Issue Selector

Add SelectorIssue Selector

Target Issue(s)*: Parent Issue

Update Field

Add ActionUpdate Field

Field*: Number Field

Update to*: Value returned by parsed expression

Parser Expression*

Set it to Advanced and use the following expression:

sum(fieldValue({issue.cfNNNNN}, subtasks()))

NNNNN is the field code for the field to be summed up.

Activate the rule by clicking on the Activate rule button 


This is how the configuration above should look on your screen

Related examples

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