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Boolean expressions, or logical expressions, will always return or accept one of two distinct values: true or false

ExpressionBoolean value
3 < 5true
3 > 5false
"It is Monday"true if it is actually Monday, false otherwise
"It is Sunday"true if it is actually Sunday, false otherwise

Expressions can be combined or linked using operators to construct complex logical comparisons.

ExpressionBoolean value
"It is Monday" AND "It is Sunday"false
"It is Monday" OR "It is Sunday"true if it is either Monday or Sunday, false otherwise

The JWT expression parser accepts the most common comparison operators as well as logical operators

The main purpose of operators is to construct complex logical comparisons by linking individual expressions. 

Logical expressions, which can currently be used in the logical parsing mode are built using the following components:

  • Basic elements
  • Field codes

  • Comparison operators
  • Logical operators

To ease into the logical expressions, we have prepared some examples on how you can construct more or less complex logical expressions. 

A full list of examples can be found here.