Short descriptionTimestamp equivalent of any given day plus an offset of n days where weekends don't count.

equivalent of any given day plus an offset of n days where weekends don't count.


addDaysSkippingWeekends t, n, time_zone)

If represents a timestamp which coincides with a Friday, adding n = 1 will return a date-time for the following Monday.

Negative values for are used in order to subtract days to t.

(warning) Noten cannot be higher than 50000.

Input data type(s)

t:  representing a timestamp
n:  representing the number of days



timeInStatus("Open", "my_schedule", LOCAL)

Number of milliseconds the current issue has stayed in status "Open" within the schedule called "my_schedule" matching the server's default timeZone.

timeInStatus("Open", "my_schedule", LOCAL)

Number of milliseconds the current issue has stayed in status "Open" within the schedule called "my_schedule" matching the server's default timeZone.

timeInStatus("Open", "my_schedule", LOCAL)

Number of milliseconds the current issue has stayed in status "Open" within the schedule called "my_schedule" matching the server's default timeZone.