This functions subtracts two timestamps (the second date will be substracted from the first date) ignoring the weekends.

This way you can easily calculate the elapsed working time since weekends will be ignored.

subtractDatesSkippingWeekends(firstDate, dateToSubstract, timeZone) #Output: Number

Parser expressionDescription

subtractDatesSkippingWeekends({issue.resolutionDate}, {issue.created}, LOCAL)

This example calculates the elapsed working time from issue creation to resolution

The result will return milliseconds.

round(subtractDatesSkippingWeekends(({issue.resolutionDate}, {issue.created}, LOCAL)/{HOUR})

This example returns the hours instead of milliseconds.

Additional useful functions can be found here: Numbers

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

The parameter must be valid timestamp. Usually this value is retrieved from a field (e.g. due date, created date).

The parameter must be valid timestamp. Usually this value is retrieved from a field (e.g. due date, created date).


The time zone used for the conversion. 

This function returns a  representing a timestamp.

Work days might depend on the time zone - it might be Sunday on the west coast of the US while at the same time it's already Monday in Australia. 

Variant of the function where you can additionally define the start and the end of the weekend.

This function is useful when the non-working days differ from the standard (Saturday/Sunday).

subtractDatesSkippingWeekends(firstDate, dateToSubtract, timeZone, startOfWeekend, endOfWeekend) #Output: number

Parser expressionDescription

subtractDatesSkippingWeekends({issue.resolutionDate}, {issue.created}, LOCAL, {FRIDAY}, {SATURDAY})

This example calculates the elapsed working time from issue creation to resolution using an Arabic weekend.

The result will return milliseconds.

round(subtractDatesSkippingWeekends({issue.resolutionDate}, {issue.created}, LOCAL, {FRIDAY}, {SATURDAY})/{DAY})

This example returns the full days instead of milliseconds.

To achieve this the {DAY} time macro and the round()function are used.

Additional useful functions can be found here: Numbers

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

The parameter must be valid timestamp. Usually this value is retrieved from a field (e.g. due date, created date).

The parameter must be valid timestamp. Usually this value is retrieved from a field (e.g. due date, created date).


The time zone used for the conversion. 


The parameter will take values in the format of {MONDAY},{TUESDAY}...{SUNDAY}

The parameter will take values in the format of {MONDAY},{TUESDAY}...{SUNDAY}

This function returns a  representing a timestamp.

The output can be written into any number field.

Another very common use case is to use this function in a JWT calculated date-time fields. If you don't want to work with milliseconds check out all available time macros.

If you want to simply add days to a timestamp you might want to have a look at the function addDaysSkippingWeekends().

Not sure what this function returns?  Simply test your expression on the expression parser test page.

Use cases and examples

Parser function cloud


let now  = new Date();
now = now.minusHours(12);
now = now.minusMinutes(15);
now.getDay()==0? now.minusDays(1):(now.getDay()==6? now.minusDays(2): now)//Skip weekends

Tech review

Style guide

Short description

Subtracts two timestamps ignoring the weekends.


Available since
