On this page

Use case

When the is changed to , a comment will be added with a user mention alerting the project lead.


<link to function being used>

Use case description

When the is changed to , a comment will be added with a user mention alerting the project lead.


Field Changed Event

Create a new rule and name it appropriately.

Providing a description will help you to identify what the rule does but this step is optional.

Add a trigger and choose the Field Changed Event


Choose Priority 

Changed to*

Choose Selected value


Choose Blocker

Add Comment

Add ActionAdd Comment

Comment text*

Hi [~%{trigger.issue.project.lead}],
the priority on this issue has changed to Blocker. You may want to take a look at this.


"[~" is the notation for mentioning users by their username.

Activate the rule by clicking on the Activate rule button 


This is how the configuration above should look on your screen

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