On this page

Use case

When a comment is added to an issue, mentioning one or multiple issue keys, those issues are linked to the current issue.


<link to function being used>

Use case description

When a comment is added to an issue, mentioning one or multiple issue keys, those issues are linked to the current issue.


Issue Event

Add a trigger → Issue Event → Issue Commented

No further configuration needed. The automation rule is triggered every time an issue is being transitioned.

Boolean Condition

Add a ConditionBoolean Condition 


Use the following Parser Expression

findPattern(%{trigger.issue.lastComment},"([A-Z][A-Z0-9]+)-\\d+") !~ null

Boolean expressions are logical constructions that return true or false .

Create Issue Link

Next to the Boolean Condition click on Add → Action → Create Issue Link

Issue link type* 

Choose relates to (Relates)

Issue selection*

Choose Issue List Expression

Enter the following Parser Expression*



This is how the configuration above should look on your screen

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