Tech review

Style guide

Log work to the issue currently being processed.

Log Work configuration

Worklog Author

Select the author for the Worklog. It can be chosen from one of the following options:

  • User written to a field, e.g. assignee, reporter
  • Current user
  • Selected user
Remaining estimate adjustments

Select the way the issue's remaining estimate will be adjusted. It can be chosen from the following options:

  • Auto adjustment, the remaining estimate will be adjusted accordingly the entered Worklog time
  • Retain the remaining estimate, the remaining estimate will not be adjusted
Time to be loggedDefine the Worklog duration entered in minutes
Starting date-timeDefine the Worklog's starting date-time
Work descriptionDefine the comment that should be added to the work log
Enable email notificationsChoose whether an email notification should be sent according to the applicable notification scheme or not