This function returns a text list with available and enabled 1st-level options of selectable fields.

Disabled options will be ignored.

availableItems(field) #Output: Text list

Parser expressionDescription


This example returns a text list with all security levels available for the project and current user.

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

The parameter must be a valid field code for a selectable field.

This function returns a comma-separated   of all enabled options of the specified selectable field.

Variant of the function where you can optionally specify a dedicated parent option.

Only child options matching the specified parent will be returned.

availableItems(field, parentOption) #Output: Text list

Parser expressionDescription

availableItems(%{issue.cf10100}, "Europe")

This example returns all child options of the Europe option in a custom cascading select field with the field code issue.cf10100.

Let's assume the custom field holds regions and is structured in the following way:

  • Europe
    • North
    • South (disabled)
    • East
    • West
  • US
    • Alabama
    • Alaska
    • ...

In this example the function would return "North, East, West".

Disabled options will be ignored.

This function will return a comma-separated list of all child options of a cascading select fieldOnly child options (2nd level option) of the specified parent option will be returned.

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

The parameter must be a valid field code for a selectable field.

The parameter must be a valid option name.

This function returns a with all available child options of a specified cascading select field.

Only enabled options will be returned. If you want to include disabled options, please use the related function: allAvailableItems()

Use cases and examples

Tech review

Style guide

Parser function cloud

Not possible to access the possible options of a select-able field with Jira expressions.

Short description

Returns available options of selectable fields - disabled options will be ignored.


Available since
