Tech review

Style guide

Short description

Returns a representing the index of numeric value element in number/text list l. Zero is returned when the element is not found in l.


Supported list types

Number list

The function returns a representing the index of numeric value element in number list l. Zero is returned when the element is not found in l.

indexOf(number element, number list l) #Output: Number

Parser expressionDescription

indexOf(1, [5, 2, 1, 4, 1])

The function returns the 3

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

Parameter description.

Parameter description.

The function returns a

Text list

The function returns a  representing the index of text element in the text list l. Zero is returned when the element is not found in l.

indexOf(string element, string list l) #Output: Number

Parser expressionDescription

indexOf("blue", ["red", "blue", "green"])

The function returns the 2

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

Parameter description.

Parameter description.

The function returns a