Tech review

Style guide

Send out a completely customizable email notification.

Send email configuration

Below you will find a detailed description of each parameter needed to configure the action.

Select the sender of the email. It can be chosen from one of the following options:

  • Default - default address configured in the outgoing SMTP mail server configuration.
  • Project email address - the email address configured in the project configuration.
  • User in field  - the user in a user picker field will become the sender.
  • User - pick a dedicated user account.
  • Email address in field - extract the email address from a custom field.
  • Email address - specify a dedicated email address.

Select the recipient(s) of the email. Email addresses can be obtained from the following options:

  • Users in field -  the user(s) in a user picker field will receiver the email.
  • Users - pick dedicated user accounts.
  • Email address in field - extract the email address from a custom field.
  • Project Roles - all users in a specified project role will receive the email.
  • Groups - all users in a specified group will receive the email.
  • Email addresses - specify dedicated email addresses in a comma-separated list.


Define the subject for the email(s). Depending on the parsing mode, you can use field codes or parser expressions.

Content Type

Choose the content type for the email(s). It can be chosen between:

  • Text - the email will be sent as text only.
  • HTML - the email will contain styling etc. in HTML. This is the default option.


Set the email's priority. It can be chosen from:

  • Low
  • Medium
  • High

Sending mode

Select the sending mode of the mail:

  • Common: If there are several recipients, they will all receive the same mail. All recipient addresses will be present for everyone if they are entered into the "To" or "Cc" field.
  • Personal: If there are several recipients, everyone will receive a separate mail.


Define the body of the email(s). Depending on the parsing mode, you can use field codes or parser expressions.

Use cases