This function returns a list of issues that are directly or transitively linked to the current issue.

Transitively linked issues are issues which are indirectly linked to the current issue (e.g. which are linked to an issue which itself is linked to the current issue).

transitivelyLinkedIssues(linkTypes) #Output: Issue list

Parser expressionDescription

transitivelyLinkedIssues("relates to")

This example returns an issue list with all issues that are directly or transitively linked to the current issue using the link type "relates to".

Consider the following example:

ISSUE-1 [relates to] ISSUE-2

ISSUE-2 [relates to] ISSUE-3

In this case ISSUE-3 is transitively linked to ISSUE-1.

The example would return [ISSUE-2, ISSUE-3].


This example returns an issue list with all issues that are directly or transitively linked to the current issue using any link type.

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

A comma separated list with link types. 

When passing an empty text ("") all link types will be used to search for directly or transitively linked issues.

This function returns an .

If there are no directly or transitively linked issues, the function returns .

Variant where you additionally can define an issue list.

transitivelyLinkedIssues(linkTypes, issueList) #Output: Issue list

Parser expressionDescription

transitivelyLinkedIssues("relates to", epic())

This example returns an issue list with all issues that are directly or transitively linked to the current issue's epic using the link type "relates to".

transitivelyLinkedIssues("", subtasks())

This example returns an issue list with all issues that are directly or transitively linked to the current issue's sub-tasks using any link type.

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

A comma separated list with link types. 

When passing an empty text ("") all link types will be used to search for directly or transitively linked issues.


Any given issue list. Usually this value is retrieved from a function (e.g. linkedIssues() or subtasks()).

This function returns an

Variant where you define issue keys instead of an issue list.

transitivelyLinkedIssues(linkTypes, issueKeys) #Output: Issue list

Parser expressionDescription

transitivelyLinkedIssues("", %{parent.key})

This example returns an issue list with all issues that are directly or transitively linked to the current issue's parent using any link type.

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

A comma separated list with link types. 

When passing an empty text ("") all link types will be used to search for directly or transitively linked issues.


A comma separated list with issue keys.

This function returns an

Use cases and examples

Parser function cloud


%{union(linkedIssues("is blocked by", linkedIssues("is blocked by")), linkedIssues("is blocked by"))}

Using our General parser we can access the current issue's linked issues and theirs linked issues.

Tech review

Style guide

Short description

Returns issues that are directly or transitively linked to the current issue.


Available since
