Tech review

Style guide

The condition checks specific users against other users, groups, or project roles.

This is the only condition provided directly following a project event.

User condition configuration

Below you will find a detailed description of each parameter needed to configure the condition. 

User to evaluate*

Select the user that should be checked among one of these options:

  • Current user - the user triggering the rule.
  • User in field - specify a dedicated user.

     The User in field option is not available for project, system or scheduled triggers.

Check against*

Select the user that should be used as reference value:

  • Selected user(s) - pick selected users.
  • User is in group(s) - pick one or multiple groups. All members will be checked.
  • User in Project role(s) - pick one or multiple project roles. All members will be checked.

Additional options

If the condition is fulfilled (returns true), the execution of the rule will stop after the condition. All elements following the condition will not be executed.

When selected the condition's logic will be inverted.

This option is really helpful if you have very complex user or group setup. Simply re-use an expression on a second condition and invert it instead of inverting / negating every element of the configuration.

Use cases