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Short descriptionReturns the timestamps of when a field has changed satisfying a certain condition.

This function returns the timestamps of when a text field has changed satisfying a certain condition.

fieldChangeTimes(textField, condition) #Output: Number list

Parser expressionDescription

fieldChangeTimes(%{issue.summary}, ^0% !~~ "IMPORTANT" AND ^1% ~~ "IMPORTANT")

This example returns the list of timestamps of when the word "IMPORTANT" has been added to the current issue's summary ignoring the case.

fieldChangeTimes(%{issue.priority}, ^0% not in ["Critical", "High"] AND ^1% in ["Critical", "High"])

This example returns the list of timestamps of when the current issue's priority has changed to Critical or High.

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

Any field code representing a text field or a selectable field.


The condition is used to check the field value before and after the field change. 

The text value before the change is represented by ^0%, and by ^1% after the change.

The function returns a  of timestamps.

The timestamps are returned in ascending order.

Variant for numeric / date-time fields.

fieldChangeTimes(numberField, condition) #Output: Number list

Parser expressionDescription

fieldChangeTimes(issue.dueDate, ^0 < ^1)

The function returns the timestamps of when the Due date  has been edited to a higher value.

fieldChangeTimes({issue.cf10001}, abs(^0 - ^1) / ^0 >= 0.25)

The function returns the timestamps of when a hypothetical numeric field called Passengers (field code {10001}) has been edited with a variation of at least 25% over its previous value.

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

Any field code representing a number field (including dates).


The condition is used to check the field value before and after the field change. 

The number value before the change is represented by ^0%, and by ^1% after the change.

The function returns a

The timestamps are returned in ascending order.

The function returns the timestamps of when a string value of fields with code %{nnnnn} in distinct parameter issues have changed satisfying certain predicate that depends on the values of the fields before and after the value change. The string value before the change is represented by ^0%, and after the change by ^1%.

The timestamps are returned as a  containing a sequence of sorted numeric values in ascending order for each parameter issue.

fieldChangeTimes(string field field, issue list issues, boolean expression predicate) #Output: Number list

Parser expressionDescription

fieldChangeTimes(%{00000}, subtasks(), ^0% !~~ "IMPORTANT" AND ^1% ~~ "IMPORTANT")

returns the list of timestamps of when the word "IMPORTANT" has been added the the summary (field code %{00000}) of all current issue's sub-tasks, ignoring the case.

fieldChangeTimes(%{00017}, epic(), ^0% = null AND ^1% != null)

returns the list of timestamps of when the issue priority (field code %{00017}) of the current issue's epic has been set.

fieldChangeTimes(%{00017}, linkedIssues("is blocked by"), ^0% not in ["Critical", "High"] AND ^1% in ["Critical", "High"])

returns the list of timestamps of when the priority (field code %{00017}) in all blocking linked issues has become Critical or High.

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

Parameter description.


Parameter description.


Parameter description.

The function returns a containing a sequence of sorted numeric values in ascending order for each parameter issue.

The function returns the timestamps of when a numeric value of fields with code {nnnnn} in distinct parameter issues have changed satisfying a certain predicate that depends on the values of the fields before and after the value change. The numeric value before the change is represented by ^0, and after the change by ^1.

The timestamps are returned as a  containing a sequence of sorted numeric values in ascending order for each parameter issue.

fieldChangeTimes(number field field, issue list issues, boolean expression predicate) #Output: Number list

Parser expressionDescription

fieldChangeTimes({00012}, subtasks(), ^0 < ^1)

The function returns the timestamps of when the Due Date (field code {00012}) has been edited to a higher value in any of the current issue's sub-tasks.

fieldChangeTimes({10001}, epic(), abs(^0 - ^1) / ^0 >= 0.25)

The function returns the timestamps when a hypothetical numeric field called Passengers (field code {10001}) in the current issue's epic has been edited with a variation of at least 25% over its previous value

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

Parameter description.


Parameter description.


Parameter description.

The function returns a containing a sequence of sorted numeric values in ascending order for each parameter issue.

Not sure what this function will actually return? Try it out and test your expression.