Tech review

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Short description

Returns the sum of all the time logged on issues.


This function returns the sum of all the time logged on issues in milliseconds.

timeLogged(issueList) #Output : Number

Parser expressionDescription


This example returns the sum of time logged in the current issue's sub-tasks in milliseconds.


This example returns the sum of time logged in the current issue's sub-tasks in hours.

{HOUR} is a time macro which converts the milliseconds to hours..


This example returns the sum of time logged in the current issue's sub-tasks in full hours.

Lern more about numbers and mathematical functions.

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

A list of issue to be evaluated. Learn more about Working with lists.

The function returns a

Variant where you can additionally define the time interval when work was logged. 

If any of the fields defined for the interval returns null the parameter will be ignored.

timeLogged(issueList, startDate, endDate) #Output: Number

Parser expressionDescription

timeLogged(subtasks(), 2020/01/01, 2020/01/10)/{HOUR}

This example returns the hours logged on all subtasks of the current issue between January 1st and January 7th of 2020.

{HOUR} is a time macro converting the milliseconds to hours. 

subtasks() is the function to retrieve all subtasks.

timeLogged(issuesUnderEpic(), datePart({system.currentDateTime}, LOCAL), addDays({system.currentDateTime}, LOCAL), 1, LOCAL))

This example returns the sum of time logged today in issues under the current issue's Epic.

The extract the date part of the current date (represented by its field code) the function datePart() is used.

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

A list of issues to be evaluated. Learn more about working with lists.

The parameter must be valid timestamp. Usually this value is retrieved from a field (e.g. due date, created date).

The parameter must be valid timestamp. Usually this value is retrieved from a field (e.g. due date, created date).

The function returns a

Variant where you can additionally limit the results to certain users.

timeLogged(issueList, user) #Output: Number

Parser expressionDescription

timeLogged(linkedIssues(), %{issue.assignee})/{HOUR}

This example returns the sum of time logged on all linked issues by the current assignee.

{HOUR} is a time macro converting the milliseconds to hours. 

timeLogged(subtasks(), %{issue.assignee})/{HOUR}

This example returns the sum of time logged on all subtasks of the current issue by the current assignee.

{HOUR} is a time macro converting the milliseconds to hours. 

subtasks() is the function to retrieve all subtasks.

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

A list of issues to be evaluated. Learn more about working with lists.

Limits the results to certain users. Users can also be retrieved by using field codes.

This parameter can contain a single user name (not to be confused with user's full name), or a comma separated list of usernames, group names or project role names.

The function returns a

Variant where you can additionally define the time interval when work was logged by certain users

If any of the fields defined for the interval returns null the parameter will be ignored.

timeLogged(issueList, startDate, endDate, user) #Output: Number

Parser expressionDescription

timeLogged(subtasks(), 2019/01/01, 2020/01/01, %{issue.assignee})/{HOUR}

This example returns the hours logged on all subtasks of the current issue during the year 2019 by the current assignee.

{HOUR} is a time macro converting the milliseconds to hours. 

subtasks() is the function to retrieve all subtasks.

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

A list of issues to be evaluated. Learn more about working with lists.

The parameter must be valid timestamp. Usually this value is retrieved from a field (e.g. due date, created date).

The parameter must be valid timestamp. Usually this value is retrieved from a field (e.g. due date, created date).

Limits the results to certain users. Users can also be retrieved by using field codes.

This parameter can contain a single user name (not to be confused with user's full name), or a comma separated list of usernames, group names or project role names.

The function returns a