Tech review

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Short description

Returns the last day of the month of a given timestamp.


Available since

Returns a number representing the timestamp for the last day of the month of a given timestamp in a specific time zone.

The timestamp returns 00:00 i.e., the very beginning of the last day.

lastDayOfTheMonth(timestamp, timeZone) #Output: Number

Parser expressionDescription

lastDayOfTheMonth(2020/02/05 11:31, LOCAL)

This example returns: 2017/02/28 00:00.

lastDayOfTheMonth({issue.created}, LOCAL)

This example returns the timestamp of the last day of the month an issue was created.

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

The parameter must be valid timestamp. Usually this value is retrieved from a field (e.g. due date, created date).

The time zone used for the calculation. 

Work days might depend on the time zone - it might be Sunday on the west coast of the US while at the same time it's already Monday in Australia. 

The function returns a