Tech review

Style guide

Short description

Returns a text like s, but where all substrings matching regexp have been replaced with the result of evaluating replacement_expression against each of these substrings.


Available since

This function returns a text like s, but where all substrings matching regexp have been replaced with the result of evaluating replacement_expression against each of these substrings.

Argument text_expression is an expression that returns a string, where ^% represents each of the matching substrings, and ^ represents the order of appearance beginning with 1.

findModify(string s, string regexp, string replacement_expression) #Output: String

Parser expressionDescription

findModify(string s, string regexp, string replacement_expression) 

This example returns a "ThE curE for bOredOm is cUriOsity."

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

Parameter description.

Parameter description.

Parameter description.

The function returns a