Tech review

Style guide

Short description

Returns a  in a result of evaluating math_time_expression against each of the issues in argument issues.


Returns a  in a result of evaluating math_time_expression against each of the issues in argument issues.

Argument math_time_expression is a math/time expression, where references to field values of issues in argument issues are done with prefix ^ before field code, e.g., ^{00012} is field code for Due date in each of the issues in argument issues.

mathOnIssueList(issue list issues, number math_time_expression) #Output: Number list

Parser expressionDescription

mathOnIssueList(linkedIssues("is blocked by"), (^{00012} != null ? ^{00012} - ^{00009} : 0) / {HOUR})

The function returns a with the number of days from issue creation to the due date for all issues linked using "is blocked by" issue link type.

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

Parameter description.

Parameter description.

The function returns a