Tech review

Style guide

Short description

Returns the time an issue field has had a specific value.


Available since

This function returns the time a text field has had a specific value

The value check (a boolean condition) is being initialized with ^%. 

timeInValue(textField, condition) #Output: Number

Parser expressionDescription

timeInValue(%{issue.summary}, ^% ~~ "ERROR" OR ^% ~~ "WARNING") / {HOUR}

This example returns the number of hours the field summary of the current issue contained any of the words "ERROR" or "WARNING", ignoring the case.

{HOUR} is a time macro used to convert the output to hours.

timeInValue(%{issue.components}, count(toStringList(^%, ",")) > 1) / {HOUR}

This example returns the number of hours the field components of the current issue contained more than one selected component.

This example uses these functions:

{HOUR} is a time macro used to convert the output to hours.

timeInValue(%{issue.priority}, ^% in ["Critical", "High"]) / {HOUR}

This example returns the number of hours the field priority of the current issue had a value of Critical or High.

{HOUR} is a time macro used to convert the output to hours.

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

The input has to be a valid text field represented by a field code.

The calculation will only be performed if the boolean condition is being met.

This function returns a

Variant for number or date-time fields.

timeInValue(numberField, condition) #Output: Number

Parser expressionDescription

timeInValue({issue.dueDate}, ^ != null) / {HOUR}

This example returns the number of hours the of the field Due date of the current issue that had a value.

timeInValue({10001}, ^ >= 5 AND ^ <= 10)

This example returns the number of milliseconds of a hypothetical numeric field called Passengers (field code {10001}) of the current issue that remained between 5 and 10.

timeInValue({10001}, modulus(^, 2) = 0)

This example returns the number of milliseconds of a hypothetical numeric field called Passengers (field code {10001}) of the current issue that has an even value (2, 4, 6,...).

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

Parameter description.

Parameter description.

This function returns a

This function returns the sum of milliseconds of a string field with code %{nnnnn} of the current issue that has a value satisfying a boolean expression predicate in distinct issues.

Where the string value of the field with code %{nnnnn} is represented by ^%.

timeInValue(string field field, issue list issues, boolean expression predicate) #Output: Number

Parser expressionDescription

timeInValue(%{00000}, subtasks(), ^% ~~ "ERROR" OR ^% ~~ "WARNING"

This example returns a number representing the sum of milliseconds  of the field summary (field code %{00000}) of all sub-tasks of the current issue that contained any of the words "ERROR" or "WARNING", ignoring the case.

timeInValue(%{00094}, epic(), count(toStringList(^%, ",")) > 1)

This example returns the number of milliseconds of the field components (field code %{00094}) in a linked Epic issue that contained more than one selected component.

timeInValue(%{00017}, filterByIssueType(linkedIssues(), "Bug, New Feature"), ^% in ["Critical", "High"])

This example returns a number representing the sum of milliseconds of all linked Bugs and New features of the current issue that had a priority (field code %{00017}) value of Critical or High.

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

Parameter description.

Parameter description.


Parameter description.

This function returns a

This function returns the sum of milliseconds of a number or date-time field with code {nnnnn}of the current issue that has a value satisfying a boolean expression predicate in distinct issues.

Where the string value of the field with code {nnnnn} is represented by ^.

timeInValue(numberField, issueList, condition) #Output: Number

Parser expressionDescription

timeInValue({00012}, subtasks(), ^ != null

This example returns the number of milliseconds of the field Due Date (field code {00012}) of all sub-tasks of the current issue that had a value.

timeInValue({10001}, epic(), ^ >= 5 AND ^ <= 10)

This example returns the number of milliseconds of a hypothetical numeric field called Passengers (field code {10001}) of an Epic issue that had a value between 5 and 10.

timeInValue({10001}, filterByIssueType(linkedIssues(), "Bug, New Feature"), modulus(^, 2) = 0)

This example returns the number  of milliseconds of a hypothetical numeric field called Passengers (field code {10001}) that had an even value in any linked Bug or New Feature..

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

Parameter description.

Parameter description.


Parameter description.

This function returns a

This function returns the number of milliseconds of a string field with code %{nnnnn}of the current issue that had a value satisfying a boolean expression predicate.

Where the string value of the field with code %{nnnnn} is represented by ^%.

The time being calculated by this function is only counted during a defined schedule with a name "schedule_name" in a certain time_zone

timeInValue(string field field, boolean expression predicate, string schedule_name, timeZone time_zone) #Output: Number

Parser expressionDescription

timeInValue(%{00094}, count(toStringList(^%, ",")) > 1, "my_schedule", LOCAL) 

This example returns the number of milliseconds of the field components (field code %{00094}) of the current issue that contained more than one selected component, within a schedule named "my_schedule" in the server's default time_zone.

timeInValue(%{00017}, ^% in ["Critical", "High"], "my_schedule", LOCAL)

The function returns the number of milliseconds of the current issue that had a priority value of Critical or High (field code %{00017}), within a schedule named "my_schedule" in the server's default time_zone.

timeInValue(%{00000}, ^% ~~ "ERROR" OR ^% ~~ "WARNING", "my_schedule", LOCAL)

The function returns the number of milliseconds the field summary (field code %{00000}) of the current issue that contained any of the words "ERROR" or "WARNING", ignoring the case, within a schedule named "my_schedule" in the server's default time_zone.

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

Parameter description.

Parameter description.

Parameter description.

The time zone used for the calculation. 

Work days might depend on the time zone - it might be Sunday on the west coast of the US while at the same time it's already Monday in Australia. 

This function returns a

This function returns the number of milliseconds of a number or date-time field with code {nnnnn} of the current issue that had a value satisfying a boolean expression predicate.

Where the numeric value of the field with code {nnnnn} is represented by ^.

The time being calculated by this function is only counted during a defined schedule with name "schedule_name" in a certain time_zone.

timeInValue(number field field, boolean expression predicate, string schedule_name, timeZone time_zone) #Output: Number

Parser expressionDescription

timeInValue({00012}, ^ != null, "my_schedule", LOCAL)

This example returns the number of milliseconds the field Due Date (field code {00012}) of the current issue that had a value, ignoring the case, within a schedule named "my_schedule" in the server's default time_zone.

timeInValue({10001}, ^ >= 5 AND ^ <= 10, "my_schedule", LOCAL)

This example returns the number of milliseconds of a hypothetical numeric field called Passengers (field code {10001}) of the current issue that had a value between 5 and 10, within a schedule named "my_schedule" in the server's default time_zone.

timeInValue({10001}, modulus(^, 2) = 0, "my_schedule", LOCAL)

This example returns the number of milliseconds a hypothetical numeric field called Passengers (field code{10001}) in current issue that had an even value, within a schedule named "my_schedule" in the server's default time_zone.

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

Parameter description.

Parameter description.

Parameter description.

The time zone used for the calculation. 

Work days might depend on the time zone - it might be Sunday on the west coast of the US while at the same time it's already Monday in Australia. 

This function returns a

This function returns the sum of milliseconds of a string field with code %{nnnnn} that had a value satisfying a boolean expression predicate in distinct issues.

Where the value of the field with code %{nnnnn} is represented by ^%

The time being calculated by this function is only counted during a defined schedule with name "schedule_name" in a certain time_zone.

timeInValue(string field field, issue list issues, boolean expression predicate, string schedule_name, timeZone time_zone) #Output: Number

Parser expressionDescription

timeInValue(%{00000}, subtasks(), ^% ~~ "ERROR" OR ^% ~~ "WARNING", "my_schedule", LOCAL)

This example returns the sum of milliseconds of the fields summary (field code %{00000}) of all sub-tasks of the current issue that contained any of the words "ERROR" or "WARNING", ignoring the case, within a schedule named "my_schedule" in the server's default time_zone.

timeInValue(%{00094}, epic(), count(toStringList(^%, ",")) > 1, "my_schedule", LOCAL)

This example returns the number of milliseconds of the field components (field code %{00094}) in the linked Epic issue that contained more than one selected component, within a schedule named "my_schedule" in the server's default time_zone. .

timeInValue(%{00017}, filterByIssueType(linkedIssues(), "Bug, New Feature"), ^% in ["Critical", "High"], "my_schedule", LOCAL)

This example returns the sum of milliseconds of all linked Bugs and New Features of the current issue that had a priority (field code %{00017}) value of Critical or High, within a schedule named "my_schedule" in the server's default time_zone

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

Parameter description.

Parameter description.

Parameter description.

Parameter description.

The time zone used for the calculation. 

Work days might depend on the time zone - it might be Sunday on the west coast of the US while at the same time it's already Monday in Australia. 

This function returns a

This function returns the sum of milliseconds of a number or date-time field with code {nnnnn} has had a value satisfying a boolean expression predicate in distinct issues, where the numeric value of the field with code {nnnnn} is represented by ^

The time being calculated by this function is only counted during a defined schedule with name "schedule_name" in a certain time_zone.

timeInValue(number field field, issue list issues, boolean expression predicate, string schedule_name, timeZone time_zone) #Output: Number

Parser expressionDescription

timeInValue({00012}, subtasks(), ^ != null, "my_schedule", LOCAL)

This example returns the number of milliseconds the field Due date (field code {00012}) of all sub-tasks of the current issue that had a value, within a schedule named "my_schedule" in the server's default time_zone

timeInValue({10001}, epic(), ^ >= 5 AND ^ <= 10, "my_schedule", LOCAL)

This example returns the number of milliseconds a hypothetical numeric field called Passengers (field code {10001}) in the linked Epic issue has had a value between 5 and 10, within a schedule named "my_schedule" in the server's default time_zone

timeInValue({10001}, filterByIssueType(linkedIssues(), "Bug, New Feature"), modulus(^, 2) = 0, "my_schedule", LOCAL)

This example returns the number of milliseconds a hypothetical numeric field called Passengers (field code {10001}) that had an even value in any linked Bug or New Feature, within a schedule named "my_schedule" in the server's default time_zone

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

Parameter description.

Parameter description.

Parameter description.

Parameter description.

The time zone used for the calculation. 

Work days might depend on the time zone - it might be Sunday on the west coast of the US while at the same time it's already Monday in Australia. 

This function returns a