Tech review

Style guide

Short description

Returns the first element of a number, text, or issue list.



Available since

Supported list types

Number list

This function returns the first element of a number list.

first(list) #Output: Number

Parser expressionDescription

first([3, 2, 1, 0])

This example returns the number 3.

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

Any given number list.

This function returns a .

If the number list is empty, the function returns .

Text list

This function returns the first element of a text list.

first(list) #Output: Text

Parser expressionDescription

first(["blue", "red", "green"])

This example returns "blue".

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

Any given text list.

This function returns a .

If the text list is empty, the function returns .

Issue list

The function returns an issue list with the first element of the given issue list.

first(list) #Output: Issue list

Parser expressionDescription


This example returns a list with the last subtask returned by subtasks() in it.

If subtasks() would return [SUB-1, SUB-2, SUB-3], the output would be [SUB-1].

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

Any given issue list. Usually this value is retrieved from a function (e.g. linkedissues() or subtasks()).

This function returns an .

If the issue list is empty, the function returns an empty .