Tech review

Style guide

Short descriptionReturns a text list

Detailed description of the parser function.

function(firstParameter, secondParameter, thirdParameter) #Output: Number

Parser expressionDescription

timeInValue(%{issue.summary}, ^% ~~ "ERROR" OR ^% ~~ "WARNING") / {HOUR}

This example returns the number of hours the field summary of the current issue contained any of the words "ERROR" or "WARNING", ignoring the case.

timeInValue(%{issue.components}, count(toStringList(^%, ",")) > 1) / {HOUR}

This example returns the number of hours the field components of the current issue contained more than one selected component.

This example uses the functions:

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

The input has to be a valid timestamp...

Parameter description. Read more about Working with lists


Parameter description.

The function returns a

If there is more to say, say it or link to related functions...

Are you looking for a more detailed representation? You might want to have a look at the function formatDuration()...