Tech review

Style guide

Short description

Replaces specific substrings matching a given regular expression.


Available since

Replaces specific substrings matching a regular expression with a given replacement.

Use this function instead of replaceAll() or replaceFirst() if you want to have full control over the exact substrings you want to replace.

findModify(text, regex, replacement) #Output: Text

^% represents each of the matching substrings, and ^ represents the order of appearance beginning with 1.

Parser expressionDescription

findModify("JWT is the best tool!", "JWT", "Jira Workflow Toolbox") 

This example returns 

Jira Workflow Toolbox is the best tool!

findModify("The cure for boredom is curiosity", "[aeiou]", modulus(^, 2) = 1 ? toUpperCase(^%) : ^%) 

This example returns

ThE cUrE fOr BoReDoM iS cUrIoSiTy.

This example checks for vowels in the given text.

For each appearance it checks whether the position in the text.

If the position is an equal number the character will be converted to upper case using the toUpperCase() function.

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

Any given text.

A valid regular expression that grabs all substrings to be replaced.

Any given text.

This function returns a